About Me

That handsome young man in the picture is me, Isaac. Currently I am a graduate student of mathematics, and this site will serve as my mathematical outlet.

Here I will post solutions to problems I have attempted in different math textbooks. DISCLAIMER: I cannot guarantee that my solutions are correct or that my proofs are good (in fact there are some that I have ”hand-waved”). Nonetheless, I have put considerable effort into my solutions because I do these problems, first and foremost, to improve my own mathematical ability. Moreover, I am a big believer in checking your work; all math textbooks should have solutions to at least some of the problems so that the students can verify that their work is good and they are understanding the material.  Unfortunately, many do not.  So, it is my hope that this website will help remedy this circumstance.

Lastly, I have a blog tab, where I will write (primarily expository) articles on various math/math-related topics.  I may also write about research I am currently engaged in.  Blog articles will be written whenever I have time and am inspired, hence, blog post frequency will be sporadic.